Church Re-opening

Dear Parish Family:

Christ is among us!

As you may have heard, Governor Baker has allowed churches to re-open with restrictions. Thanks be to God! We will begin the public celebration of the Divine Liturgy this Sunday, May 24.

Listed below are the standards to which we must adhere:

Who May Attend? People who feel well and were not recently exposed to the virus may attend services. Any sick person should stay home. People who are in greater danger of infection should stay home. Caretakers of people in danger should take precautions.

Seating: The limit on seating in the church is 80 people (40% of 200) including the clergy.  People who live together may sit together, otherwise they should be 6 feet apart. Every other pew will be closed so that one row of people will not be too close to the other. We will also mark the available pews with tape every 6 feet.

Sanitizing: There will be hand sanitizing lotion in the rear of the church.

Social Distancing: People must wear face masks unless they have a medical reason not to. Gloves are encouraged, but not required. Everyone should practice social distancing. Do not touch or kiss icons, the Gospel Book or the cross. Simply bow to them. Currently, there is no lighting of candles.

Ventilation: Some windows will be open during the Liturgy. This will prevent the buildup of virus laden air in the church.

Singing:  Everyone should sing with their masks on.

Collection: A basket will be left just inside the sanctuary for envelopes and donations. The collection baskets will not be passed in order to reduce exposure to people and things.

Gospel Reading: Do not come up front for the Gospel Reading.

Kiss of Peace: Do not kiss each other or shake hands, simply say: Christ is with us. He is and always will be.

Holy Communion: Remove your face mask immediately before receiving Communion, and replace it as you walk back to your seat. Tilt you head back to receive Communion so that the priest will not touch your face. Return by the side aisle to your seat.

Coffee Hour: There is no Coffee Hour, instead visit outside in the open air while maintaining your distance. Remember that the virus dies in sunlight. In the sunlight is the safest way to visit with others. The Bookstore is also closed.

So that we do not exceed the maximum capacity, please call the rectory (508) 752-4174 or email ophmelkite@gmail if you want to attend the Divine Liturgy. If you are the least bit uncomfortable attending, please continue to stay home. We will livestream the services for the foreseeable future. If you are not comfortable receiving Communion now, that’s fine.

I look forward to seeing you after this time away! Please continue to pray for all those infected with the virus, those who care for them, and those who have lost their lives to it.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the rectory or email me.

In Christ,

Fr. Bryan

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